Browsing Category Personal

Winter Wonderland -march edition-

Winter Wonderland -march edition-


It’s winter in the middle of March… A surprise that caught me totally unexpectedly! I was so ready to give up the fur jackets, the hats and the cold every morning that I had in the last four months. With March in a total of 5 months, although last week almost fool me with almost 17 degrees. I know, I know, I’m too anxious for the beautiful weather to come, to see the sun every day and to run the morning. Stay with me, bare with me a little more…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day


Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s ❤️ Love Day ❤️ and all around me there are floating hearts, roses and everyone is in a magic vibe. Love is like a cloud. Love is like a dream. Love is 1 word& everything in between. Will you be my Valentine? Whether we’re talking about the love we feel for the person we consider to be our half, for ourselves or for the family, I have to admit that I like to see how everyone shares love.

New Haircut

New Haircut


The best time for new beginnings is now. My journey starts again over and over, even if it’s a small step or a big one, even it’s a simple thing or a big life update. I wanna make everything count, not just the big events. So, here I am, doing something I’ve been afraid to do in my last 6 years of life: cutting my hair in a way I’ve always missed so much. Bangs. PS: it reminds me of myself when I was little and also of 12 grade, in highschool.

Discover ME

Discover ME


I’ve always considered myself a person that dreams with its eyes open. Widely open. The magic happens most of the time if I have the right music in the background. Without music, no beat, it’s hard for me to gather myself together. Either I can’t find my words or I’m not in the right mood, and each of these things prevents me from imagining, searching for ideas and translating them either online or on paper. Read more to discover an unseen part of me:




You guys are always asking me about my Vlogging camera setup, so today I will finally talk about this in my latest Vlog. Click and check out the video and let me know what you think about our setup. Do you think that’s overkill or not?! 🎥😂

Weekend takeover

Weekend takeover


Last weekend, we spend a day #spreadingJOY all over. I teamed up with Iutta and made a takeover on their Instagram account. Also, the cherry on top is the interview you can find inside this article. Enjoy, dear! ❤️

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